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Can I Drink Coffee With Veneers?

April 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 5:26 am
someone drinking coffee

If you have a serious coffee habit, you may have noticed that it could seriously affect the color of your teeth. One of the most popular ways that people will deal with that kind of serious discoloration is with veneers, which are thin porcelain shells that can be adhered over your teeth.

However, once you get your veneers to cover your stained teeth, you may want to seriously consider what you can do to ensure that you don’t stain them even further. You might even consider cutting back on coffee.

If you want to know more about drinking coffee with veneers, here’s how that could affect your teeth.


Why Your Toothache May Hurt More Before Bed

March 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 2:43 am
person lying in bed holding their tooth in pain

If you’re currently struggling with a toothache, it may be all you can do just to get through the day. Then you come home, lie down in bed, and find that suddenly your toothache hurts worse than it did before!

As it turns out, you may not be imagining it; there are quite a few reasons why a toothache could hurt you a little bit more just before bed. If you’re curious, here are a few potential causes of your issue.


What Dental Emergencies Cause Facial Pain?

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 10:28 pm
woman with cheek pain

Facial pain is most often located in the forehead or cheeks, and there can be an array of reasons since it is a symptom, as opposed to a specific condition. There is a variety of facial pain in terms of duration, intensity, and whether it occurs on one or both sides of the face. In order to get proper treatment, determining the cause is essential. Read on as your emergency dentist in Green Hills details some common sources of facial pain and why they warrant professional help.


Is Facial Swelling a Dental Emergency?

January 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 6:27 pm
Young woman icing her cheek

Many people don’t want to trouble their dentist with things that they think might be trivial. Others think that some problems are better handled themselves, and that they don’t have to bother with making an appointment.

If you’re dealing with facial swelling and fall into either of these camps, you might not know if it constitutes a dental emergency. Here’s a little bit more information about that kind of swelling, and what your dentist would do about it.


What’s It Like to Be Under Dental Sedation?

December 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 1:48 pm
Young woman getting ready for sedation dentistry

Do you often feel anxious about having any kind of dental work done? Your dentist might recommend dental sedation as a way to help you relax and stay as comfortable as possible during your next appointment. If you’ve never had dental sedation done before, you’ll probably wonder what it’s like and what you need to do to prepare. Here’s everything you need to know before a visit that involves sedation.  


4 Helpful Tips to Help Prevent a Dental Emergency

December 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 11:05 pm
a tooth in front of a dental kit

No one ever wants a dental emergency, like a tooth being knocked out or a severe toothache, but sometimes they happen. While it’s impossible to fully prevent random accidents or issues, you can do your part to protect your oral health the best you can. With consistent and mindful care, you will be less likely to have to take a trip to your emergency dentist. Read on to learn four ways to keep your mouth in its best condition to decrease your chances of a dental emergency.


These 4 Holiday Foods Can Damage Your Smile!

November 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 7:09 pm
Thanksgiving stuffing

The holiday season will be here before you know it, and you have so many fun activities planned for your family. Whether your favorite activity is to put up twinkling lights around your house, listen to festive music, or do some holiday baking, there is something for everyone to enjoy! However, you don’t want to come out of the holiday season with cavities. Here are some seasonal treats that you should be especially wary of for the sake of your smile.


Pay Attention to the Pain: Toothaches and Your Overall Health

October 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 7:47 pm
woman holding her cheek

Being in physical pain is never fun, whether it’s a minor twinge or major discomfort. But pain is the body’s way of signaling to you that something is wrong and needs help. Toothaches can be a source of wide-ranging pain. Unfortunately, many people decide to push through the distress and won’t listen to what may be trying to tell them: go visit your dentist for help. Here’s why it is important to do something about your toothache and how your emergency dentist can help.


4 Things to Expect During Your Emergency Dental Visit

September 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 3:25 pm
patient visiting her emergency dentist in Nashville

Do you have a persistent toothache that’s bothering you? Are you having difficulty eating or swallowing? Have you chipped or cracked a tooth from a sports-related impact? If you said “yes” to any of these, then you’ll want to get emergency dental care as soon as possible. However, some people are hesitant to seek treatment because they don’t know what to expect. Read on to learn four things you can anticipate getting from your emergency dentist in Nashville!


3 Questions That Are Commonly Asked About Sedation Dentistry

August 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drprather @ 4:14 pm
patient asked questions about sedation dentistry in Green Hills

Do you tend to feel anxious or stressed when it comes to visiting your dentist? If so, then sedation dentistry might be the most ideal option for you. However, you might be curious to know exactly what to expect from this treatment before arriving at your appointment. To help you feel more comfortable about it, here are three frequently asked questions about sedation dentistry and their answers!

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