For many folks, the idea of a tooth extraction “treatment” can sound odd. Aren’t dentists supposed to save and protect your natural teeth? Having one of them removed would seem to defeat the purpose of dentistry. However, the truth is that good reasons for a tooth extraction exist; your Nashville dental practice is even here to share some with you. Read on to learn about four conditions that could require your dentist to perform a tooth extraction.
Dental Crowding
If you suffer from dental crowding, a tooth extraction may do you much good. The procedure could help you avoid oral health complications.
You see, not all mouths are big enough for all their teeth. Some lack the space needed for every tooth to erupt properly and safely. For these particular mouths, extracting one or several teeth would make room for other, more necessary ones. The alternative would be to let a smile get crowded, causing it to become crooked.
Tooth Infection
Dentists can often save infected teeth through root canals. Still, those with particularly severe infections may need removal to prevent worse outcomes.
Don’t forget that a highly infected tooth is a big threat to your health. If left to itself, its bacteria could spread, infect other body parts, and cause serious problems. Extracting it when a root canal isn’t viable would keep your smile as stable as possible. On the other hand, leaving it in would put you at risk of (jaw)bone loss, a stroke, or even sepsis.
Irreparable Tooth Damage
Dentistry has varied ways to repair damaged teeth – dental crowns, fillings, etc. That said, extraction may be the only option if the damage is irreparable.
Indeed, restorative dentistry only works when a tooth is still (relatively) intact. Very severe damage – from a flying object, a fall, a car crash, etc. – may make a pearly white unsalvageable. Should that happen, the best action is to extract the tooth entirely and get a replacement.
Gum Disease
Some teeth should be removed even when there’s nothing strictly wrong with them. For example, a dentist may need to extract one due to a patient’s gum disease.
Did you know gums are supposed to keep teeth secure? Well, they can slowly erode once they get infected; that process could loosen a tooth or two. A dentist would then extract the loosened teeth to increase your comfort and further combat your infection.
As you can see, a patient may have various good reasons for a tooth extraction. Keep them in mind when you consult your dentist about treatment options.
About the Practice
Green Hills Dental Center is based in Nashville, TN. Led by Dr. James Kirby, our practice takes a personal and comprehensive approach to dentistry. We offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments tailored to each patient and their unique smile. In doing so, our team is ready and able to help your whole family sport amazing teeth and gums! For more details or to book a visit, please contact us on our website or by phone at (615)-327-2123.