Dentures have been around for centuries and are probably the most well-known way to replace missing teeth so that you can eat and speak normally again. While they are effective and can give you the restored smile you need, they often leave much to be desired. At Green Hills Dental Center, we can give your dentures an upgrade by supporting them with dental implants; these restorations take the place of natural tooth roots and give you a stronger, more stable smile. Working with local specialists to perform the minor oral surgery, you can trust that your implant dentures in Green Hills will last 30 years or more with proper care. If you’re missing all your teeth in Green Hills, contact us for an appointment today.
Traditional dentures sit on top of the gums and use natural suction (or an adhesive) to stay in place. Because they don’t interface with the jawbone at all, they can’t prevent the bone loss that normally happens after you lose your teeth; as a result, your gum line will start to change, and eventually, your dentures won’t fit properly anymore.
In contrast, dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone, stimulating it so it won’t break down. That means you won’t have to worry about bone loss. Furthermore, the implants will hold your dentures firmly in place so that they won’t slip when you’re talking, laughing, or eating.
When meeting with your implant dentist in Green Hills, he will discuss the two available options for dentures: fixed or removable prosthetics.
Using between 4 and 6 dental implant posts, a fixed implant denture will remain permanently in place. Only your dentist can remove it if necessary. Otherwise, you will wear and maintain your new teeth just like you do your natural ones. This makes it easier to maintain a good oral hygiene routine.
Requiring less jawbone density, your oral surgeon may only need between 2 and 5 implant posts to secure a removable denture or “overdenture.” Often held in place with a bar-retained or ball-retained device, you can easily take out your denture and clean it separately from the rest of your mouth before bedtime.
No two patients are alike so although there are various aspects of dental implant treatment that might vary with someone else, the same steps must be following to ensure the placement is successful:
Virtually anyone missing a full arch of teeth can get traditional dentures, but if you want them to be secured by implants, we’ll need to examine the state of your oral health first. If your jawbone doesn’t have the density needed to support the implant posts, we’ll likely need to use bone grafts to replace the missing mass before moving forward with the surgery. Also, your gums need to be healthy so that your implants don’t fail. If you have gum disease or another oral health issue, it needs to be treated before you get your new teeth.
We’ll also check to make sure you’re healthy enough to undergo minor oral surgery and make sure you are committed to maintaining good oral hygiene before moving forward with dental implant placement.
While you might think there is no way you’ll be eligible for treatment, it’s important to let Dr. Kirby evaluate your smile anyway. Not only does he know what to look for, but he can recommend additional services that will create a stronger, more sustainable environment for your future dental implants in Green Hills.
When combining dentures and dental implants, you’ll discover there are far more benefits than if you were to continue wearing a traditional prosthetic that only sits on top of the gums. With more than 5 million people already wearing dental implants, here are just a few of the many great advantages you can expect: