Do you go to bed at a reasonable hour, sleep through the night, but still wake up exhausted? This can be extremely frustrating, and make life very difficult. Sleep is an essential part of your mental and physical health, and anything that affects it can have serious consequences. What could be causing your sleep problems? It may be sleep apnea, a condition suffered by nearly 20 million Americans each night. What is it, what causes it, and how can you get sleep apnea therapy in Green Hills? You can get all of these questions answered right here.
Sleep apnea occurs when a person’s breathing becomes completely blocked during the night. This can happen many times over the course of the evening, and does not always wake a person up. This obstruction can be caused in two ways. The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. It occurs when the soft tissue in a patient’s mouth and throat relaxes so much during sleep that it cuts off their air.
The other is central sleep apnea, or CSA. This is neurologically based, meaning that a person’s breathing is cut off because their brain stops sending the correct signals to the body.
People can suffer from one kind of sleep apnea, or a combination of both. Some common symptoms are:
The continual loss of oxygen is very stressful on the body, and over time, these symptoms can lead to serious consequences, as people with sleep apnea have a significantly higher risk of suffering heart attacks and strokes
Sleep apnea can affect many different kinds of people, independent of age. Certain risk factors are common, however:
The first step to addressing sleep apnea is to get it properly diagnosed. As many as 80% of people with sleep apnea have no clue that they have it. You can start the process by taking our quiz and filling out our sleepiness questionnaire. This will give Dr. Kirby enough information to know if you should complete a sleep study. He can refer you to a local, trusted sleep doctor in the area who can diagnose your sleep apnea. Afterward, Dr. Kirby can effectively treat it, as he has been specially trained in sleep apnea orthotics, which is a non-invasive, non-surgical method that can dramatically increase the quality of your sleep and improve your overall health.
You don’t have to suffer through constant exhaustion and risk your health because you can’t sleep. Dr. Kirby can help you get the rest you need, so please don’t hesitate to call him today.
Sleep apnea treatment is essential for helping you alleviate your symptoms so that you can get better rest while improving your overall health. However, we don’t want you to worry too much about the price of any tests and services involved. The good news is that our team has various solutions that can make your expenses less burdensome when it comes to resting well. We can walk you through your medical insurance coverage and alternative financing methods to make your treatment more manageable.
In the majority of cases, dental insurance will not offer coverage for any portion of the cost of sleep apnea treatment. This is because the condition is mostly considered a medical issue that needs to be treated with medical devices. Still, every insurance plan will vary between patients, so you’ll want to double-check the details of your policy before moving forward. Our team can be a great asset in this process, as we’re more than happy to help you navigate your benefits so that you can make the most of your coverage.
When figuring out the exact price of your sleep apnea treatment, Dr. Kirby and our team will need to consider a few factors first, including:
During your initial consultation, our team will review the details so that there aren’t any surprises when it’s time to pay the bill. You can rest assured that we’ll complete the necessary paperwork and help you understand the specifics of your payment after we’ve filed a claim with your medical insurance provider on your behalf.
To prevent more costly conditions that can get worse due to unchecked sleep apnea, you’ll want to visit a professional for help sooner rather than later. In some cases, continual obstructions to your airway can increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, depression, and other complications. Since billions of dollars have been used to address chronic health problems that could have been avoided by treating sleep apnea symptoms, you can end up potentially saving much more in the long run if you seek help from your sleep expert right away.
For those who are currently uninsured, it doesn’t mean you’ll be completely out of luck for minimizing your out-of-pocket expenses. Don’t hesitate to consult our team about your situation, as we can offer alternative options like our VIP Membership Club. This solution can give you significant discounts on all of our services, which can include sleep apnea treatment. We are also partnered with CareCredit and Lending Club—both of which can turn the total cost of your services into monthly, low-to-no-interest installments. Speak with our team if you’re interested, and we’ll be glad to help you find a way to get the sleep apnea treatment you need while staying within your budget!
If you’re under the impression that dentists only study the teeth, you might wonder why you’d ever talk to them about sleep apnea. However, the truth is that dentists have a deep understanding of the entire upper respiratory system, which means that it’s common for them to also study sleep apnea. Dentists are also capable of producing oral appliances that can be an alternative to CPAP machines, which makes it worthwhile to talk to them about the condition.
Most people associate snoring with sleep apnea, but this isn’t necessarily a hard-and-fast rule. Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, and not every who has sleep apnea snores. If you suffer from chronic fatigue or actually notice yourself waking up in the middle of the night, it may still be worth getting screened for the condition regardless of whether or not you snore.
CPAP machines work by forcing pressurized air into the airways using a specialized mask. This is nearly 100% effective at treating sleep apnea, which is why it’s the first thing most patients are prescribed. However, CPAP machines also aren’t necessarily popular among patients, with only about 50% of those who are prescribed them using them consistently.
Oral appliances work better for some patients than others, but if it happens to help you it can be a much more comfortable alternative to a bulky CPAP machine.
Whether you’re using a CPAP machine or an oral appliance, it’ll take a little while to get used to sleeping while wearing them. This process should be much faster with an oral appliance given how much more comfortable it tends to be.
You should start to notice an improvement in your sleep after a few days to a week.
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